Monday, April 4, 2016


Next term Room1 is moving into a new Tech cycle that embraces 'Kaitiakitanga - Doing the best for our environment.'

Watch this video for homework - An apology letter to future generations.

Discuss with you parents this video and what environmental issues do you worry about.

Post you personal concerns below.


  1. Mrs Armstrong worries about NZ Clean Green image when many of our rivers and streams are polluted by the use of run-offs from farms and industrial wastes. I watched a programme on TVOne last Sunday that said 2/3 of our rivers or streams are now affected in some way. This is terrible!

  2. I'm concerned with the pollution in the rivers within New Zealand, especially within the main farming areas as most rivers within those areas are polluted to the point where they have become health hazards.

  3. i'm concerned for the trees we cut down All just to get money and were forcing animals out of there homes then we push them into extinction

  4. I am concerned that in future generations there will be no sea or rivers to swim in anymore because it is so polluted.

  5. We don`t relies that us human have made this problem cutting down trees just for money and distorting natures animal just for the money once a wise man said when the rivers are all dried up and trees cut down men will then relies that you carn`t eat money.

  6. I am concerned about all the animals will get suffocated and die with all the rubbish that has been polluted and rivers, oceans and lakes will get polluted!

  7. I am concerned of everything that people do to our world I am not just talking about NZ I am talking about all the other country around the world with the tree's that get cut down every second just for money I know we all need money to live but we are hurting animals that live in trees or even the ones that live on the ground they maybe need some trees to get food off and now the oceans,river and steams they are all polluted because of use because we just drop rubbish and don't pick it up and that counts as the animals so many animals die because we just leave rubbish every and don't pick up that is why I am so concerned about the world this so terrible what we are doing not just me all of use !!!!!

  8. People don't relies that every-thing we do every decision we make
    will change the life's of our generations to come.people don't relies that when you drop one tiny bit of rubbish,that you are one of the millions of humans that is creating earths deconstruction.people don't relies that even when you get driven to school that your creating pollution every second of the way. and people don't relies that when you see a animal of some sort that my be the last time you ever see it and thats why i'm concerned that we as humans are going to destroy our beautiful world with our silly mistakes and one day i'm going to die and i can't help that but i don't want to die knowing that the next generations of kids can't go swimming or can't do any thing that we can know because of are selfishness, that we cant put some rubbish in the bin because we cant be bothered. we need to look after our world we live in, because there will never be a plaint to take it's place.

  9. I'm concerned about how even if we make changes now it already to late, the animals are already dead the trees are gone and it's only 40 years till all the oil runs out.

  10. im worried that when you turn that tap brown water will come out

  11. water pollution because we can't drink or swim so we need to put our rubbish in the bin.To help keep endangered animals to serve and we can learn more about them.

  12. Im concerned about the creeks and rivers on the coromadel coast getting poisoned and polluted by things like 1080 and rubbish.

  13. My concern is animal life and human's. If all the tree's go there will be nothing, not a single life or soul on the planet, just like the quote "things come and go".

  14. I'm am concerned about all the animals that will be extinct because of the trees and plants that we cut down and don't look after witch means generations from now will not know about the birds, snakes, insects and everything else. And if trees get cut down our air will get to much carbon dioxide witch trees take in.

  15. I am concerned about all the trees that will be cut down over the next 100 years and if all animals will still be alive. All the trees that are being cut down is all for money. I am wondering in the next millennium, If humans will still be around then or if trees will still exist, Or even life will still exist.

  16. Thank you Room 1 for your thoughts so far...I just thought of another.

    As a Mum, l am concerned about the problem of disposal nappies being used in the world. The nappies do not break down and are filling up our landfills.

    There is an easy solution but clothe nappies are not the in thing.

  17. I'm concerned about deforestation because we aren't replanting trees.With less trees to take up the carbon dioxide there will be more in the atmosphere causing global warming.

  18. wow what an emotional message if only the hole world had seen this

  19. I am worried about all the rubbish going into the landfills.

  20. I am very concerned about the amount of natural disasters that are happening. The amount has increased very fast and i'm wondering if it has something to do with pollution and the amount of people on this earth

  21. I am concerned about all of new Zealand's rivers will be polluted.

  22. Amazing, i knew that our trees are getting chopped down but i never thought it was this bad, we need to do something about this.

  23. I am concerned about not being as much land being left in New Zealand and the world by being taken over by city and buildings and the amount of homeless people.

  24. I am concerned about how much we are wasting, we pour litres of gasoline to burn our fires, while we pollute our air with the smoke and drill deeper into the Earth & Oceans to keep providing it. We throw out unspoiled foods while people on the other side of the world are eating mud. We are a race that thinks we own this world, and can be extremely inconsiderate to everything else that lives here. I am concerned that we will drive ourselves into extinction.

  25. Room 1 these are impressive comments from opinions of emerging adolescences.
    So next step...
    Can you make a difference in your life time?

  26. Room 1, you have identified many issues concerning NZ's sustainability. I am concerned about the selfish attitudes of people who only care about 'today' - we all need to pitch in and work together to ensure future generations have a clean and healthy environment for our tamariki.
    I look forward to seeing how you develop your 'concerns' into 'solutions' - what can we do in our own 'back yard' to make a difference?
    Mrs Clark

  27. This comment has been removed by the author.

  28. its very inspireing people to take care of trees
