Sunday, June 19, 2016

Out and About

Week 6  - Tough Guy and Girl Challenge
What an awesome experience!!!!!

Week 7 Inter-Intermediate Hockey at Gallagher Hockey Centre.

Week 7 Team Trip to Maungatautari Ecological Island.
Very educational from an 'Environmental Guardian' perspective and we could see how much work has happened to allow the forest to return back to it's original state before the pests were introduced to New Zealand.

Comment on what did you learn from this experience and how can we transfer it to the rejuvenation of the plantation at our school.


  1. I learnt what he name of some trees were and we could probably place some in our plantation.

  2. instead of he i meant the

  3. I learnt that some trees can grow of 400 years old and we could probably grow some trees and let them grow over 100 years of age.

  4. I learnt that fan tails are for australia.

  5. I learnt that tautaras can bite and hold for an hour and we need to put some fresh plants in the plantation

  6. I learnt that tuatara's have 3 rows of teeth and I think we need to put some more trees in the plantation.

  7. Gosh this was a homework task...only 5 people commented.
    Please share with your parents the photos, especially the Extra Maungatautari Photos.

  8. I learnt what takahes are and that the Maungatautari has 3 of them in the world .

  9. I learnt about the trees and the tuatara can hold its breath for a 1 hour

  10. i learnt that fantails are auzzie

  11. I learnt that there are mites on tuatara that are only on tuatara so they are as rare as the tuatara :-)

  12. Wow looks like a great trip, I wish I would have been their with you guys. But... I sadly wasn't =(

  13. I learnt that Tuataras can run really fast when they need to. Also I think we should pull out all the old trees and plant some new ones in our plantation.
    By Ella

  14. I learnt that the takahe are like the pukeko, also how the widdower tree got its name

  15. I learnt that the tuataras have three rows of teeth, also i think that to help our plantation we need to get rid of all the dead plants and have a good clean up of it.

  16. I learnt that tuataras are born with three eyes and to help the plantation we need to plant more plants and remove the dead ones.

  17. The tuataras have three rows of tiny sharp teeth, also we saw a family of takahe.

  18. The tuataras have three rows of tiny sharp teeth, also we saw a family of takahe.
