Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Week 1 Celebration Day

For 90 minutes today Room 1 was engaged in a self directed learning and teaching experiences which show cased their personal learning styles. The objective of the Celebration day was to to learn a new skill, practice the skill and eventually teach it to another student.

The photos show a wide range of skill being taught: origami, parkour, music learnt by ear, magic tricks, balloon animals, hacky sack, German, harakeke (flax) weaving, rubric cubes, astronomy, basketball skills.

Students - Comment on the classroom blog about something that was interesting about your celebration.  Also comment on how you demonstrated 'Rangatiratanga - Doing the best for yourself.'

Sorry Alex and Cody's group is missing and Alex won 'Star of the Day' because he persevered for a long time to teach his group a origami crane. He showed amazing patience and kindness.


  1. I wasn't there most of the time but I liked getting tought how to make ballon animals.

  2. it was sooooooo fun

  3. I learnt how to weave flax it was fun and hard at the start but I got there in the end
    I had fun teaching chloe we had fun.

  4. I learnt how to weave flax it was fun and hard at the start but I got there in the end
    I had fun teaching chloe we had fun.

  5. I think learning about free running was quite interesting from Caleb because it really got me out of my comfort zone and also I enjoyed it. And also doing the pros basketball Cross overs was challenging but I enjoyed it. It got the best out of me because I practised a lot and this is what I think Rangatiratanga is all about.

  6. I learn't how to hacky a hacky un fortunitly i couldn't demonstrate to faith because I fractured my toe

  7. I learnt how to weave flax. It was hard at first but I kept trying and trying and got it. It was fun teaching others.

  8. I learnt that you can learn music by ear.

  9. with Laura and Jordan.

  10. I learnt how to do a magic card trick on someone and how to land (not do) a back flip thanks to Riley.

  11. I learnt how to do basketball crossover's and even though it was challenging I enjoyed it and I felt really proud when I got five. Teaching the parkour was really fun because it put me out of my comfort zone.

  12. i actully was proud because i taut somethink i never thourght i would so yea

  13. Natalya taught me how to make a balloon dog, Unfortunately halfway through the process it popped leaving me with a deflated red worm.

  14. I learnt how to make origami it was fun.

  15. I'm glad that I got the chance to do something I wanted that I wouldn't of done other wise. I'm proud that I completed the Rubik's cube because its something I've always wanted to do.
