Sunday, April 19, 2015

Term 2 Week 1 Homework - Monday


Read the document titled 'ANZAC Heros Haunting Poem Inspires Soldier and Singer'

                                                     Fallen Youth

Discuss with someone at home and comment on the blog on the following:
1.The origins of the song

2.The impact on this soldier


  1. I think it is to remember the fallen soldiers in ww1

  2. I agree with Brianna I think its to remember the fallen soldiers in W.W.1

  3. I agree with Brianna I think it is to remember the fallen soldiers in W.W.1

  4. the origns of the song are that the singer of the song had a friend that went to war and he had a poem that he always carried with him that he found as a teen in the Gore public library. The reason he told her about the poem is that she wanted to write a military song.

    The impact on this soldier was that it made think about easily you can loose good friends in war and how close it can be between living and dying. Also the person who write the poem his friend was dying right beside him.

  5. The origins of this song is that singer of the song had a friend that went to war and to have some glory for him a singer wrote a song.

  6. The impact on this soldier is that it made think about easily you can loose good friends in war.

    1. Definitely Stas - war always a heavy toll of human lives.
      Mrs Armstrong

  7. The origins of the song Fallen youth is a military man Aaron Horell. He always reads this poem at military war, He first read this song at a Gore library. The writer of this poem is unknown world war 1 soldier. Aaron Horell shared this poem with a chidhood friend Jackie Bristow who is also the singer of the poem (song) Fallen Youth

  8. I think it is about the fallen soldier in ww1

  9. It was from a soldier in WW1 it reminds us of those who died fighting for their country.

    1. It is about soldiers and about one of them who dies.

  10. It is sad how the soldiers of our country left and not all of them came back to New Zealand all though that song really told us something.

  11. First of all the soldiers back in the war that never returned need to be remembered as they fought for our rights during the war so we could have peace. The song is designed to tell ones mans story from the trench;s so we never forget.

  12. the origin of the song is that two friends one a singer one a soldier were talking and the soldier suggested that the singer write a song using a poem that he carries on him that was written in ww1.

    1. Well done Thomas, you have understood the origin of the song.
      Mrs Armstrong

  13. Corporal Aaron Horell had been working in Afghanistan as a soldier, carrying around a poem he read as a teen in the Gore public library by an unknown WW1 soldier. The poem had moved him emotionally, and he felt as if he could relate to it with the wars he fought to keep peace in Afghanistan and the many comrades he had lost in the midst.

    Aaron had been friends with singer Jackie Bristow since his childhood, and after touring Afghanistan again he suggesting writing a song to commemorate the 100th year since WW1. Jackie approved of the idea, and asked if he had any stories to tell. That's when he shared with her the 'Fallen Youth' poem. After that the song was written within a few hours, transforming the poem into a heartfelt song of the tragedies our ANZAC, and many other soldiers, went through.

  14. The origins of the song are from a poem in W.W.1 written by an unknown source.

  15. Aron Horrell is very brave to go Agfganastan and risk his own life and to save others. Also his Poem all means something different and seems like A nice man.

  16. The origins of the Second World War are generally viewed as being traced back to the First World War (1914-1918). In that war Germany under the ultra-nationalistic Kaiser Wilhelm II along with its allies, had been defeated by a combination of the United Kingdom, United States, France, Russia and others. The war was directly blamed by the victors on the miltant nationalism of the Kaiser's Germany; it was Germany that effectively started the war with an attack on France through Belgium. France, which had suffered a previous defeat at the hands of Prussia (a state that merged one year later with others to form Germany) in the Franco-Prussian War in 1870, demanded revenge for its financial devastation during the First World War (and its humiliation in the earlier war) ensured that the various peace treaties, specifically the Treaty of Versailles imposed tough financial reparations and restrictions on Germany.

  17. The song originated from a poem written by an unknown author.

  18. WOW Room 1! What impressive contributions you've made!
