Sunday, February 8, 2015

Room 1 students - Take a look at this video with your parents.

Your challenge - With your parents discuss the way the world is changing and comment below with your ideas of what you discussed.  Also state what you think this means for you as a learner.

WOW these are some awesome comments Room 1 and definitely worth a discussion tomorrow.


  1. As a learner things have changed due to technology.


  2. There are lots of interesting facts in that video, Schools going BYOD is a great step towards keeping up with it all. China and India need to slow down on the breeding, they are going to run out of space.

  3. The main points that arose in our discussion were about technology and the huge affect it's had on us as humans. The problem is, can the world sustain the era of technology? Even with as fast as our technology is advancing, it will be extremely difficult to continue upgrading our tech without exceeding the capabilty of the human mind - no matter how clever we may get. What happens if somehow all electricity sources had a major meltdown, shutting off all internet/power related devices? That proves how important it is that we maintain the human factor. Realisticly, only first world countries are affected by the newest era - high volume, wealth producing countries are the most exposed to the newest technological onslaught. A large percentage of the world wouldn't know what computer is - in an event of meltdown those people will be more capable to survive than those who've been relying on technology to run their lives. Within it's facts this video suggests that we may be an entirely different version of what is now recognized as a human being in the time frame of 50 years or more if we let devices overrun our lives. Although technology and it's capabilities are beyond spectacular, we can only hope we don't let it take over our lives so we no longer lose the ability to respond to what we recognize today as communication skills on a face-to-face basis. There must be a moderation to balance all things, especially the use of technology and life essentials. A very in-depth discussion with Dad. Onto how that affects us as learners, learning can be considered easier with access to the near-infinite amount of information on the internet. It also opens a new area of jobs for up-and-coming students interesting in a job for technology. I think it would have more positive than negative effect on us as learners, and many teachers are learning just as much as the students are about technology every day. Although, in my opinion, nothing can beat the good old books. Apologies for the monstrous comment!

    1. Wow you and your parents had a huge discussion about the video

  4. it's more inpotintto know how to get the infomion then the infomtion

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. The world is changing really fast so it is not so important to learn facts but we need to learn to be problem solvers. People are talking all the time on social media, so our presence online is important as it is part of our reputation.

  7. we rely to much on our technology and as boys and girls do not play outside often enough. But it is also has some learning advantages.

  8. I dont understand that part of video where it says that there are 1360 people just like you if you are from China, or 1100 people in India just like you.

  9. Mum and I discussed the video and she commented about how fast technology is changing and how large certain countries are.


  10. mum and i still cant believe how big face book is


  11. My dad and I agreed that this was really informative because it shows how technology has evolved over the years and that our population has learnt how to adapt to this change.


  12. After watching the video I had a discussion with Mum and Dad. As Children My parents learnt things through books and life experiences. If they needed information on a particular subject they would look it up in an encyclopedia. They had to walk down the road to make a phone call which cost three 2c pieces. Today kids as young as primary school kids have cell phones or ipads ect which give us access to internet.
    We dont walk or bike round to our mates places like Mum and Dad did, we just text or facebook them. Todays technology gives us instant information at our fingertips,we dont have to spend time looking up information, we have the internet thinking for us. We discussed the possibility of becoming an overweight nation as we are no longer getting the exercise and fresh air we once did. Technology was once for the wealthy person, today every household has a computer or similar.
    With the way the world is growing with population and technology, will new Zealand be able to sustain our Clean Green Image.

  13. Mum and I think the changes of technoglogy in my life time is going to be massive

  14. Wow well done Room 1! I can see you have this blogging under control by sharing both your positive and negative views on how technology shapes our lives. Keep up the good thinking!

  15. i think it was amazing because if facebook was a country it would be the third biggest

  16. woooow cant wait to learn all this stuff in your class

  17. woooow cant wait to learn all this stuff in your class

  18. Its hard to keep up with the new technology but is fun to learn about the technology.

  19. WOW this is amazing because we have 21 comments on this post.
    Next week we will look at the etiquette for posting comments and to create our own Blog.
    Mrs Armstrong

  20. Things have definitely changed since my parents went to school, as it is now us teaching them instead of them teaching us. Wow there is alot of babies born so fast they should slow down in certain countries.
    Its amazing how many people play candy crush. they earn alot of money in one day.

  21. This comment has been removed by the author.

  22. For us technology has become like water or air, we think we need it to survive but even though the numbers seem amazing, really its only 1 third of the world population that have access to technology, which tells us in fact its not vital.
    if we were to see what the technology we are given is used for we will find that its main purpose is to serve our worries, not the worlds real problems like: war, overpopulation, pollution, global warming, hunger and diseases.
    Another point is that our world has become inpatient, needing information at will; useless information most of the time.
    If we want to be part of this third of the world we need to learn about learning for example in media we are been taught how to use today's technology when we should be being taught how to learn about technologies for next years or even technology in 10 years time.
    this is at least mine and my parents opinion.

  23. Mum and discussed the video. She thinks the world is at our doorstep and we are all connected. I think we use technology too much and it sometimes better to talk face to face. I don't know what it means for me as a learner.

  24. An awesome moment of last week was tech

  25. wow what can I say
