Monday, March 2, 2015

Week 4

A very exciting week because we had an awesome bunch of students swimming for our school swimming sports and we WON the ...
Te Kotahitanga Trophy and the trophy represents 'Unity, Oneness, Harmony'.

Great to see Tainui 'Go for Gold' and we celebrated in Friday assembly by a powerful team chant.

Another exciting thing was all Room 1 students all created their own Blog, and in Week 5, hopefully all students will have some work to up-loaded onto the Blog. Blogs are a way to celebrate cool things done in the classroom and show case student's work.

Rangatiratanga - Doing the best for ourselves
Since the beginning of Term 1 we have been exploring many aspects of Rangatiratanga and this weaves in really well with our school motto 'Kia U Ki Te Pai - Whatever you do, Let it be your best.'

Part of this investigation is to create our own 'Hei Mihi' on the computer and up-load on onto the students Blog.

Above are some hard working students working in their 'Hei Mihi'

Add a comment about why we are learning to create our own 'Hei Mihi' and find out why it is an important part of the Maori culture.


  1. Hi Room1, I'm Emma's Mum. Good effort at swimming sports well done. I am in Singapore and it is great to able to read your blog and see what you are up to. I am off to Kuala Lumpur tonight, do you know where that is? Special Hi to Emma. Hope you all have a great week.

    1. Wow thank you Emma's Mum.
      Blogs are a great way to keep parents, as well as students, informed about what is happening in Room 1.
      Enjoy Kuala Lumpur. (P.S. I know where that is in the world)
      Mrs Armstrong

  2. Hello everyone I Googled to see what Hei Mihi means.Google translate said that it means thanks to .

  3. To thank everything or everyone who were with you all your life

  4. I think its about a good sort writing

  5. I googled hei mihi an it said in english that it means thanks

  6. I think it's about family trust and saying thanks

  7. I think its about thanking the people you know and love

  8. We are making a Hei Mihi to show what we know about our family and Hei Mihi means thanks to so I think that in a way we are saying thanks to everyone that has helped us sometime in our life whether it was something as small as showing us where toilet is to something as big as our parents do like pay for us to go to school so by making a Hei Mihi we are saying thanks to all of these helpful people.

    1. Full stops Jordan? But do like your thinking.
      Mrs Armstrong

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. And I did use full stops.

    4. And I did use full stops.

  9. I think it is (thanks to)

  10. I think it means saying thanks or thank you to someone.

  11. I think it is about being to able to trust your family and what they say and loving them.

  12. I've been on Google translate and its outlined that it means thanks to somebody.

  13. I searched "what does Hei Mihi mean" and it said that Hei Mihi means Thank you. So in a way we are saying thanks to everyone.

  14. I think it is to trust Someone and to say thank you

  15. a hei mihi is a great way to explain about you and where you are from

  16. I think it is to say thanks to everyone or someone.

  17. I think it is family

  18. I think we are making our own Hei Mihi's because they are part of NZ culture and it relates to rangatiratanga plus it's interesting finding out about our-self.

  19. I googled Hei Mihi and It said to say a way of saying thanks to people but at my old school we just used Mihi.

  20. to be speaking the truth its about valuse

    1. Recheck your post because we need a capital and a full stop.

    2. A hei mihi is a good way to tell people about you.

  21. Hei mini in English is thanks

  22. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  23. I think Hei Mihi means is thank you

  24. Woohoo Tainui finally won something, the Te Kotahitanga trophy. We are so awesome.

    1. I totally agree. Well done Tainui.
      Mrs Armstrong
